That wreck was a place we fished a lot in 1983. We were the top dragger south of San Fransisco because of the talent of Paul Benson, my captain. It was a very warm El Nino that year. We would troll bonita running out from the San Simeon Bay anchorage and see Marlin jumping too. All the San Diego fish followed the warm water up the coast, and all our fish were up off Eureka. Paul could get close enough to that wreck without hanging up on it, most of time.
Once when we did hang up, but got free, we recovered not only the trawl we were towing, but three others - two he'd lost there previously, and another. That is why "The Wreck" was also known as "Paul's gear locker."
Here's a picture of Paul.
The starboard bridge of the Montebello is partially obscured by fishing nets. Photo by Robert Schwemmer, NOAA
Robert Schwemmer narrating at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary 2003 expedition to the Montebello
Expeditions to the Shipwreck Montebello